Avatar graphic of Joshua Klein behind a MacBook

Product Designer

I help startups and tech companies to increase their digital success through product strategy, user experience design and user interface design.
Clients & Brands:

Design solutions for your business problems.

I am currently shaping the future of mobility at MOIA.
More About me
Side Portrait of Joshua Klein at the beach in denmark


I help to define brands & design products from idea to final execution.

4 basic steps towards the solution of your problems.

To address the most critical problem with a lean design solution, a fundamental process should be followed.

1. Discovering
Research to understand what problem needs to be solved and for whom.
2. Defining the problem
The problem is narrowed down and goals defined so that it can be approached on the basis of hypothesis.
3. Development of solution approaches
Ideation Phase - wireframing, prototyping & testing of the created approaches.
4. Decision and development of the solution
Building the most promising solution through high fidelity prototypes.

Let's tackle your success together.

For any work collaborations or even a simple chat, don't hesitate – take the first step and reach out to me. I am happy to hear from you.